Microblogging server feature xi would love to see: All new posts only appear after, say, a 5 minute delay. This would give time for corrective edits, time to return to your work before the replies come flooding in, and time to cool down before that angry post goes live. Imagine how much more chill that would make the local feed.

@jaycie Would indeed be a nice feature. Sort of like an outbox of yesteryear?

@doxxy Yep! Something like that. The server's digital secretary would only collect from everyone's trays periodically, giving the entire instance more breathing room. Cal Newport has a lot to say on the value of slower communications: calnewport.com/books/a-world-w.

@jaycie I enjoy having the options for slower forms of communication (eg. email) though thinking on this specific issue it could also be handled by the client other than the server. It could hold onto the message you want to send just like email, before submitting it.

@doxxy Xi'd like to see it on both ends. Perhaps more of a "snooze" feature on the client end.

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Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.