Deliberately posting FurAffinity URLs to Mastodon so as to juice the 'Views' count. (All the instances making previews count as views.)

@Austin_Dern: Does each person looking at the preview count as one?

@doxxy Not that I can tell, no. I believe it's just the one for each instance.

@Austin_Dern @doxxy yeah the instance caches them, which we are /really/ grateful for so as not to have things like "" showing up in our ISP's data hoovering >,,>

(and the Pleroma people did not get why we considered this an important feature...)

(Pleroma doesn't do that)

@Austin_Dern @doxxy (I guess it could theoretically proxy without caching, but it does seem to cache)

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Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.