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@saturn @kayden It's chunky! Hopefully with time the devs will optimize it a bit more. :3

@kayden Yes! There are a few nuggets of japanese knowledge rattling around in my brain then!

@kayden I think I can recognize like... two kanji and it's these two: ε…ƒζ°—

Don't ask me what they are. I just know they make up ogenkidesuka (watch me make an error here)

@kayden Yiss. Katakana was my weak point. Hiragana were just so much easier for me.

@kayden I did stroke order when learning my kanas but that was over a year ago. x3

@kayden It's nice seeing some Japanese in my timelines though. Might give me some energy to get back into trying to learn it.

@kayden I had them all down at some point but a lack of practice has bonked me down to not knowing again.

I was so excited to start trying to learn basic words again! πŸ˜–

@kayden くすくすくす! Already surpassed my knowledge of Japanese! I need to get back to my kana tests! 🐱

@IceWolf Whuh! Messing with white balance and the yellow is gone!

@IceWolf So I did a series with different shutter speeds and got a nice one that isn't yellow! Now to see if I'm happy with the grains in RawTherapy. x3

re: food-adjacent? definitely kinda silly 

@IceWolf I'm sure robowoof thinks so.

@IceWolf I just realized I wasn't following you. I was confused when you didn't show up in my timeline but you did in my notifications.

@IceWolf Ooo. So low number for aperature is better for low light maybe? I kind of played with the settings a bit in my not so well-lit room so am gonna see how this photo turned out.

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Desert's choices:

Critter Camp - Mastodon

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