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@Desert Whoo! Turns out federation on my server is working! 🎉

Owncast has been updated. Now it can do fediverse stuff.

re: uspol, vore 

@SavageGarden Quite a good looking one too! :3c

Desert awooed

NSFW, Porn 

Heyo! I'm a new artist here. I have a lot of cool stuff to share, and I look forward to having you around~

Mr. Wolf on his car~ See anything you like? He'll be your good boy.

#nsfw #canine #mrwolf #male #car #pinup #shoes #dressclothes

Whew… my timeline got me a little riled up. 😅

Yay. I can make posts from my ipod again.

Desert awooed

uspol, vore 

US-American friends, do your civic duty today!

My interest in seems to be going up again.

@werefox Drat! I moved to the Dallas area. RIP thoughts of hanging out. xD

Desert awooed
Desert awooed
Desert awooed

I return from dreamland. Partial TF and wind spirits visited this time along with something along the lines of fursuit TF and a musical. It was nice and I wish I was still there.

@IceWolf I totally get this feeling. I just see too many good ideas/issues get lost in this project’s discord x.x

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Desert's choices:

Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.