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Desert awooed

I would offer to help people understand the fediverse 

But I doubt anyone wants my tootelage.

Don't think I can't see you up there. My camera has a zoom function.

We did it! All tier 8 milestones in have been unlocked.

The local grey kitty is visiting the porch. It's sunbathing time.

@NinTheFolf: Nothing for you to apologize for but I thank you anyways. Though now I have the next step ahead of me of trying to get a replacement social security card. x3

@NinTheFolf: Yes, really. We've got stacks of mail with his address on it. Not enough to qualify for two pieces of proof. So I may just charge him $5 to do the lawn.

The only good thing that came out of my trip to the DMV is it may have given me enough rage to write a short story.

@doxxy: Oh, I was incorrect. Apparently the next available appointment is in three months, not two. Imagine waiting 5 months to get your State ID. Also consider they don't allow walk in appointments.

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Desert awooed

Texas DMV 

Hmm... well at least one of us got State ID things from Texas. Apparently a pile of documents from the government with your address on them isn't sufficient to prove you live some place but a receipt for lawn service is.

@frostwolf: It's a fun game (Satisfactory). I haven't really looked into Space Engineers myself. I wish Snow would sleep in one of these instead of chewing it to pieces. x3

A little moment from playing briefly last night with a friend. Took on an enemy HAC with some infantry and it worked out perfectly.

Guh, the Asrock A380 is $140!? So tempting since I wanna transcode more stuff using AV1. D:

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Desert's choices:

Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.