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QOI seems pretty neat. I might play around with it sometime.

@asonix I voted for PopOS because @foxxy has said a lot of nice things about it. :3

Desert awooed

Here is probably the best image I took of the blood moon this evening.

I've come up with a design for some kind of infrastructure between bases/factories. It's on a 8x8 frame floor. 4x8 is used for a catwalk, the other 4x8 has room for two belts. With walls added you can squeeze a pipeline in and a roof plus the roof caps off with rails.

I've arisen at a scheduled time. Go me. πŸŒ„

I’d love to do something like a barn raising but instead we get together to upgrade or install network infrastructure then sit down for a nice meal after.

Time to take charge of today! πŸ’ͺ

@doxxy: I'll probably try going through the rest of the photos tomorrow and do some more uploading then.

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Here is probably the best image I took of the blood moon this evening.

Computer fans when I open satisfactory, rawtherapy, and GIMP at the same time: πŸ…°πŸ…°πŸ…°πŸ…°πŸ…°

I want to play some Satisfactory but the mod manager window is galavanting off screen somewhere and I can't get it to come back. 😿

@IceWolf: When your code is spaghetti give it the treatment it deserves! Display it like artwork.

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Desert's choices:

Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.