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Desert awooed
Desert awooed

Please boost if you’re still masking indoors (in public places)

@PsyChuan Glad I want the only one thinking this.

Really been enjoying Pokemon Violet these past few days. Just working on training my actual team now from fresh little level 1’s.

Desert awooed

I’m not an infosec expert or anything but I don’t think that’s right

@frostwolf This cpu doesn’t support hyper-threading. Which is okay because it still runs Elementary OS just fine.


@frostwolf Now entering the macro zone.

@frostwolf There is no hiding from their oppression. Thankfully the minestrone is worth it. 🥣

Installed a passthrough wall plate for the some ethernet happening. No more cable on the floor!

I’m surprised I caught a shiny 30 minutes in to playing Pokémon Violet.

sniffles and gets all cuddly in some blankets

Desert awooed

We now have a healthy ecosystem of furry fediverse relays, with and both being open to join requests alongside

Reach out to @asonix and @LeoBurr if you'd like to join these, respectively!

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Desert awooed

Barkeep! Make me something complicated with whatever ingredients are the furthest from the cash register!

🐺📸 @RainCoug

#TheBadGuys #Fursuit

I woke up like 4-5 hours early because my throat is sore. Just when I was getting my sleep schedule to wrap around to daylight hours too. Time to be the werewolf that goes bump in the night.

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Desert's choices:

Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.