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Portmanteaus are wonderful... Wonderteau!!!

Desert awooed
It's a good thing I'm not Oprah.

You get a fox!
You get a fox!
You get a fox!
Everybody gets a fox!
Desert awooed
Desert awooed

Kink, legit question, macro 

Can someone explain why they like macro?

So I went out and got a new camera lens today kind of on a whim. I'm liking it though. Here is a photo of my pup.

I was just reminded that I need to setup Elastisearch for our instance. Finding posts it too hard otherwise. There are too many cute things to bookmark! D:

I hung out with a fuzzy friend last night on VRC and it was quite fun. We even watched Megamind and like... gosh that movie is good.

Season two of Beastars was quite good. I liked it much better than the first.

Nice. now uses LE certs. Take that scary warnings!

Show thread

Whoops, forgot to update to LE cert. Next time!

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If anyone wants to help me test out my stream it'd be appreciated. Breaking things in with some Risk of Rain 2. (( ))

Oh no! I grabbed normal off-brand cheerioes instead of the honey ones. Oh gosh why did I do that? DX

What's the point of going to bed early if you just wake up early? πŸ˜«β€‹

VR Chat 

These beats in this VRC club are hopping. πŸ•Ί

Megamind Spoilers maybe? 

Omg. Love the bit in Megamind at the beginning where he is being taught about right and wrong and the police are wrong. XD

VR Chat, Movie Time? 

Also I found out I can stream Megamind from my media server in VR Chat. Nice.

I'm notoriously bad at winning raffles and even when I do win them I tend to give the prize to someone else as I know what it feels like to want a thing that is won by chance and then not get it.

Desert awooed

Photo of a 🐢 

I love how Snow pokes her head out from under the covers when she sleeps in bed with me.

VR Chat, Dysphoria 

The one thing that gets me in VR Chat is that when I'm talking I get kind of self conscious about by voice and dysphoria sets in.

VR Chat 

I gotta work harder on fixing this problem I'm having with VR Chat. It might be a bug or something.

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Desert's choices:

Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.