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Gorsh darnit. How do I always grab the sugar free pudding at the store when I have a craving. I don't like it qwq

So I found out the Switch dock is 15v 2.9a. That is probably why it doesn't work! Now I just need to find a 5v -> 15v stepper that is type-c compatible.

Are there any hacks for the switch that will make the dock work with a different power supply?

Almost put shoes on before pants. Whoops.

Gah. I want custom translations for certain folks I interact with on Masto.

Time for my second dose of the vaccine.

Got a lot of things done today. I feel good.

Also RIP Earth Eternal. You were fun while you were around. I'll miss my deer paladin/druid character.

Dang, now I want to play Star Sonata again.

I never got to play the original Pokemon Snap! game but the new one is quite enjoyable so far.

I found a recipe for maple hot chocolate with vanilla bean... I really want this.

Picked up a few new games for my Switch yesterday morning. Hopefully I'll actually play them this time. :3

I applied to three more jobs this morning. Here is hoping for a callback from one so I can work on quitting my current job and start packing to move.

Beat Saber 

Is it weird to wait till the hottest part of the day to play beat saber? I'm very heat tolerant but by that point I'm already sweaty so the one thing keeping me from playing is already happening.

Beat Saber 

I want to see a beat saber scoring mode for lowest possible score.

Beat Saber 

I was testing out some mods, mostly streaming related, and I got (2) SS Ranks on different songs in a row. Sure it was only on Hard difficulty but still feels nice. I also topped a friends score on an Expert+ song I've been practicing on.

Still not sure who this was but it was pretty vivid. Was not having a good night and it cheered me up.

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I wish public transportation was better in the city I'm currently living in.

Like a nice light rail route would drastically improve bus throughput as well. Can they just make me pay more taxes and give me this? πŸ’Έ πŸ™

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Desert's choices:

Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.