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Also during the outage ATT said I didn't have any data left on my plan but I check this morning, after the internet is back, and ATT is like, "Oh, you had data the whole time. I'm not sure what you're talking about."

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Yay. The internet is back up. We noticed that all of the APs managed by the complex went down last night too.

It's a good thing we have our own router plugged into theirs and a server with stuff to do on it. We ended up watching a movie and reading some books during the outage.

Desert awooed

Cleaned the bedroom and rearranged the desks. Now there is a lot more space for VR and I'm super happy.

Perhaps it's time for a fresh install of Windows N since I never installed that on this laptop in the first place.

We're all on a storage space optimization kick right now.

When did minesweeper get so chonk? Someone needs to walk that thing more.

Slice of meat and brushed teeth. I’m feeling better.

Therian Stuff 

Wolf and otter also want to play right now.

So warm. I want to sleep but my mind is fixated on someone right now.

Anyone know of a way to use .webp files in Blender?

Ugh, what happened to my good night? Things turned to crap really quick.

Desert awooed

I think I might have an idea for the metaverse maker's competition now. I'll try and find a nice interactive way to learn japanese kana. It will be a nice refresher for myself and could potentially help other critters out who want to learn.

It's time for us to be awake. Feels like today will be nice.

Desert awooed

Also one of the parts in Earthblood made me all kinds of sad. :<

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Desert's choices:

Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.