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What? Luxray can see through objects? Kinky. :3c

Ugh. Ultraballs have such a crap catch chance xD

Anyone wanna trade mons? I’m on pokemon Violet.

Sleep for 2.5 hours.
Body: Yeah, that's enough
Brain: Why? D:
Body: Donuts!!!

Desert awooed
Desert awooed
Desert awooed

Is a synthetic otter an Otter Bot and do they roll out?

Fancy, a bigger godot dev pulled from @foxxy 's patches that are keeping it working. Congrats foxxy 💜

Desert awooed

I love activity pub and stuff but gosh PeerTube sucks.

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Desert's choices:

Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.