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Desert awooed

Happy Valentine's Day!

I just wanted to draw something that will burn your retinas with love

#Art #MastoArt #furry #furryart #Anthro #cuteart

Thinking about kea dhcp and wireguard. 💭

It’s wimdy out. My cart of groceries has a break on it. Not even the break could stop my groceries will to be free. 🌬

I’ve only been working at walmart for a few weeks but it feels like eternity and I wanna stop.

Desert awooed

Heartwarming: This former human is transforming into a werewolf

Woof. We made it through there work day!

Time to go role play as grocery coywolf.

App Store: Hey, want an older version of this app. New versions require iOS 5.0.0 or higher.

Me sitting on 5.7.X: Uhh... how do version numbers work?

lights a candle for the coyote that perished due to the highway 🕯

Desert awooed

This is the kind of librarian I work to be every day. From the Unshelved comic strip.

"I love the sound policy makes when I break it."

#librarians #books #reading #literacy

Desert awooed
Desert awooed

New art drop and my Mastodon followers get to see it here first. I'm super excited to share this piece by @big_squid_man (on the bird site).

@croc @CoreyDog and I went all in for this crazy record store commission. I couldn't be more thrilled with the results!

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Desert's choices:

Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.