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@doxxy: Spring Rolls Asian Bistro and Sushi Bar and Honest Abe's are the two shops mentioned. (2/2)

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@BalooUriza: Hey there Baloo! I had another OSM question. I was looking over some changes in my area and found some edits that seem to be intended to update the parking in my area but it seems to have snagged some shops I updated previously. The edit also seems to have just deleted the shops and recreated them. What should I do since that seems to break the history of the nodes. Changeset [109113601] is mine and changeset [118788570] is the one to delete and recreate it. (1/2)

Ah. Seems advertising has infiltrated the sacred fortune cookie space.

@doxxy: Oh no. I got a copy of the CC&Rs... it's a scanned copy of a physical document from 2001. πŸ˜–

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My roommate is thinking of buying a house and asked if we'd like to sublet it. I asked if the HOA allows such a thing and he seemed bewildered that they could prevent someone from doing that.

I then offered to read the HOA's CC&Rs for him when he gets a copy so he can be informed before making a decision.

QOI seems pretty neat. I might play around with it sometime.

Desert awooed

Here is probably the best image I took of the blood moon this evening.

I've come up with a design for some kind of infrastructure between bases/factories. It's on a 8x8 frame floor. 4x8 is used for a catwalk, the other 4x8 has room for two belts. With walls added you can squeeze a pipeline in and a roof plus the roof caps off with rails.

I've arisen at a scheduled time. Go me. πŸŒ„

I’d love to do something like a barn raising but instead we get together to upgrade or install network infrastructure then sit down for a nice meal after.

Time to take charge of today! πŸ’ͺ

@doxxy: I'll probably try going through the rest of the photos tomorrow and do some more uploading then.

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Here is probably the best image I took of the blood moon this evening.

Computer fans when I open satisfactory, rawtherapy, and GIMP at the same time: πŸ…°πŸ…°πŸ…°πŸ…°πŸ…°

I want to play some Satisfactory but the mod manager window is galavanting off screen somewhere and I can't get it to come back. 😿

I'm going to try and take photos of the moon tonight!

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Desert's choices:

Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.