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Welp. High likelyhood my mobo is bad. I've moved the components onto a spare but... phew... a J4105 isn't exactly a workhorse.

Desert awooed

I am a nerd, Swiss edition.
This my friends is not an ordinary radio… it receives 6 stations over the telephone line!
It was designed for the Swiss mountains that did receive telephone lines early but struggled with AM reception. This modulates the signal over those lines so people had radio 🥰

Bwuhaha. A post from my where I can read the text.

Woo. Tuba runs on my pinephone pretty well.

I wanna get to these photos. Maybe I can work on them tonight since it's my friday and I'm not as sick anymore.

... ... ... on a pinephone braveheart. Time to fry some eggies.

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Tuba, nooo. Flatpak? Why?

Time to compile this shizz from source >:v

Desert awooed

First photo shoot with my full suit!!! I literally finished the suit at 2:45 am Friday morning and drove down to TFF at 9am. Such an amazing con, I made lots of new friends. More pics will be posted soon!

#otter #furry #fursuit #fursuiter #purple #OtterlyOliver #tff #tff2023 #Texas #texasfurryfiesta #texasfurryfiesta2023

Chromium doesn;t like rendering text on my pinephone. xD

Now I must rest. For tomorrow is another day slaving away at Walmart.

Desert awooed

Daily sketches: werewolf date!
This one started as blobs of random brush strokes from me testing a tablet pressure sensitivity curve for this particular sets of brushes. And evolved into this. :blobcatgoogly:

I like these "dry and wet" brushes! I have always felt they are a little too unpredictable to use on commissioned work but i like the loosy goosy feel they have!

#mastoart #dailysketches #anthro #furryart #furry #werewolf

Desert awooed

First time opening commissions through this medium!
Full figure, fully rendered, character illustration:
*Monochrome: 1 character with simple background at $60 dollars
*Full color: 1 character with simple background at $100 dollars
For more information, to Ask for extras or NSFW options :revblobfoxterrified: Contact at:
Gallery and info at:

#commission #commissionsopen #furry #furryart #mastoart #art

Desert awooed
Desert awooed

Sidenote: I need to find an app for my phone or make one, so I can do mastodon things on the go.

I had a pretty good time at this weekend. Went every day and suited for 3/4 of them! If anyone snapped photos of my suit, Jaide, I'd love to see them!

Desert awooed
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Desert's choices:

Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.