
I went and got the vaccine shot yesterday and today I'm really feeling the 5G waves. I was bed(-couch)ridden and completely out of it for the earlier half of today, and I'm still tired, cold-hot, and achy all over.

I know several floofs on fedi were asking about side effects so I'd thought I'd share~ I'd ping them personally but am too tired to remember who they are >.>

I'm excited for when my vaccine is in full workingness! I wish everyone can get a vaccine shot ASAP :D

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Update: I'm alive again yay!

Weird how my side effects lasted pretty much exactly 8.5 hours and corresponded precisely with work hours :v

I believe in you and your body @fluffy . I wish you the best of health :3

@foxxy "Feeling the 5G waves" is my new favorite euphemism to feeling shitty from immune response.

@foxxy Thanks! I'm just worried that like... when I get vaccinations, either I feel no side effects at all, or I get them REALLY BAD.

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