
Desktop icons?

@foxxy Enabled, and it has a few icons, but we try to keep it mostly clear.

@frost Hehe this describes me too. I only has 1 icon at the moment, but I thought I had too many options already...

@foxxy Desktop icons don't work on my main computer, so no option to even turn them on ^^
I'm currently using i3, a tiling window manager. On my VR computer that runs windows, I do have them enabled though.

@OtterlySam i3 is super nice! Am now starting to think I should have specified either "on primary computer" or made the poll multiple choice.

@foxxy it occurred to me the other day, that on windows, shortcuts are not actually shortcuts, they are launchers. anyway, free desktop's dot desktop files are not launchers in the same sense, neither are symlinks, which make them harder to use as needed for broken software, so no, I don't use desktop icons at all any more

@foxxy More precisely, I use a tray desktop widget with isolated icons. There's no free icon on my desktop, but a few ones, selected and sorted in that tray.

@foxxy I just disabled them bc I saw this and realized I never use them lol

@foxxy on my linux and work windows (sadly) i have either no icons, or the mandatory recycle bin icon
on my home windows i have icons for the games

@foxxy I went without them for a while but now I'm back to using them, this time hopefully without cluttering my desktop.

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