
"good"-ish personal news:
Bio-dog required medical treatment. Went shopping around. May quotes were $500+, one was $800+. With waiting. Found a place that quoted $138 for the procedure and can be seen next day. Went there, people seemed cool. Dropped dog off. Came back later to pick dog up. Doctor(s) did procedure, anesthetics, gave vitamins, trimmed nails, gave us additional week worth of medicine, and tax, all for $141. Days later, dog is still alive (yay), happy, and healthy. Amazing.

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Even though I'm much more privileged than many others, I'm still accustomed to driving into a place (can't walk in, the people door is closed or something), looking at a sign that says "X Service: $19.95", going up to the register to pay $40, and then being told that I must pay $60 or they will steal my Y and/or shoot and/or kidnap me. Then coming home and finding out that while I might have received X, they either broke my Z so I'll have to get it serviced next or they installed a virus.

Anyways, there are still people in this world. Thank you veterinarians.

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