Hewwo everyfloof~ it's 2024 now!

Have a cute orange floof to celebrate the new year :3

Β© Falvie 2023 - on e926

I did a thing? Yay I did a thing aaaaaAaaaaa!

(I forked glxgears and changed the colours... almost might implement argp and a help that actually tells you the arguments and keyboard controls later...)


This was labeled as r2TWPZxeLA8.png
If you know the artist, character, and/or copyright holder, pwease reply.

@freeplay @volpeon And the main page~

(The text is actually text! I very much dislike text drawn as squiggles, even if they're vector squiggles.)

Show thread

My favourite search engine is FoxFoxGooooooooooooooo

Inspired by @freeplay <3
Icon by @volpeon <3

🎨 by Danomil Hux, © 2023

Like or favourite it on e621/e926, FA, or musksite
Like or follow Danomil Hux on fa or musksite

More cutie lineart floofs staying warm with a nice snuggle :3

Art & characters Β© by Akatan 2022

(my fancy auto-attribution script is still broken, oh well x3)

My attribution script broke, but that's okie because these two floofs don't need any help getting some nice cuddles :3

Art not created by me, but definitely enjoyed by me!

by crownedvictory, char callumHusky

🎨 by Fleurfurr

Lick ("like") it on e621/e926
Lick ("like") Fleurfurr on Birdsite

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

Cute fuzzy pic :3

love, take us home
🎨 by Angiewolf

Lick ("like") it on FA or e621/e926
Lick ("like") Angiewolf on: Weasyl, FA, Birdsite

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

This is my new avatar on :3

Please review any and all contractual agreements when using NeosVR, or any other software that isn't free; or, alternatively, sign all contracts with "newphone whodis?" and re-affirm your committent to being a [cute furry] criminal pirate hacker mastermind. Stay safe. Y'arrrr!

Fox Spring
🎨 by Elkir, © 2021

Lick ("like") it on e621/e926
Lick ("like") Elkir on FA or Birdsite

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

Pen nibbler
🎨 by Reign-2004, © 2020
Character: Maxwell

Lick ("like") it on FA or e621/e926
Lick ("like") Reign-2004 on FA or Birdsite

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

A warm embrace on a chilly night
🎨 by Yana-r
Characters: Feroxdoon & Xander

Lick ("like") it on FA or e621/e926
Lick ("like") Yana-r on FA

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

Hug Coupon
🎨 by Tackykat
Characters: Ych & Derek

Lick ("like") it on FA, e621/e926, or reddit
Lick ("like") Tackykat on FA

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

🎨 by Iskra
Character: Duster

Lick ("like") it on Birdsite or e621/e926
Lick ("like") Iskra on FA or DA

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

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Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.