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Update: I'm alive again yay!

Weird how my side effects lasted pretty much exactly 8.5 hours and corresponded precisely with work hours :v

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I went and got the vaccine shot yesterday and today I'm really feeling the 5G waves. I was bed(-couch)ridden and completely out of it for the earlier half of today, and I'm still tired, cold-hot, and achy all over.

I know several floofs on fedi were asking about side effects so I'd thought I'd share~ I'd ping them personally but am too tired to remember who they are >.>

I'm excited for when my vaccine is in full workingness! I wish everyone can get a vaccine shot ASAP :D

🎨 by Iskra
Character: Duster

Lick ("like") it on Birdsite or e621/e926
Lick ("like") Iskra on FA or DA

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

🎨 by Color fox, © 2020

Lick ("like") it on e621/e926
Lick ("like") Color fox on Birdsite or Birdsite

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

:revblobfox:​:blank:​:blank: :revblobfox:

:blobfoxyoshieat:​:blobfoxyoshiend:​:blank: :revblobfox:

:blobfoxyoshieat:​:blobfoxyoshimid:​:blobfoxyoshiend: :revblobfox:

:blobfoxyoshieat:​:blobfoxyoshimid: :revblobfox0_0:

:blobfoxyoshieat: :revblobfox0_0:


Phew! Who knew generating a GPG key would be so hard?!?

My brand new paw print is 4664476F731B2250

At some point after I get an email address I'll have to go and make an even newer paw print~

Here's the code I had to tape together:

Anyone know how to generate a PGP key? I picked a really good number and I wanna use that as my key.

Python code is okay

Sam's Thick Fennec Thighs
🎨 by Kuroodod & Thegrapedemon © 2020
Character: Sam

Lick ("like") it on: FA, FA, Birdsite, e621/e926
Lick ("like") Kuroodod on FA
Lick ("like") Thegrapedemon on DA or FA

🎨 by Silverfox5213, © 2020

Lick ("like") it on Birdsite or e621/e926
Lick ("like") Silverfox5213 on YT or Birdsite

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

Can confirm, mastodon attaches media in the order they were uploaded. Not the order in which they were specified when tooting.

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🎨 by Redponei, © 2020
Character: Soleil

Lick ("like") it on Birdsite or e621/e926
Lick ("like") Redponei on FA or Birdsite

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

🎨 by Zephyxus
Character: Fenris

Lick ("like") it on Birdsite or e621/e926
Lick ("like") Zephyxus on FA or Birdsite

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

Yap! I remembered a thingie today...

If you really, really don't wanna put an HTML form element inside the <form> element that you want it associated with, you can always just use the @form attribute and specify the @id of the <form> element! I used it for the form's submit button thingie, was nice.

Just please promise to never use as an excuse to have a weird document layout! Keep things nice and simple pwease thanks ^w^

🎨 by Zephyxus
Character: Fenris

Lick ("like") it on Birdsite or e621/e926
Lick ("like") Zephyxus on FA or Birdsite

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

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Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.