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dear everyone who is currently working on a Thing, whatever that Thing may be,

good luck with the Thing. you can do the Thing. you will do the Thing. you just have to do the Thing.

best wishes,

someone who is also doing a Thing

Fedi creatures will boost anything gay.

Fedi creatures will boost anything fox-related.

How do you feel about a gay fox?

:blobfox3c: β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ :blobfox3c:​

#gay #fox #boost #JustForFunsies

is so difficult to get installed and functioning these days... Apparently users need to install some strange software from some shady websites to get Bluetooth file share working, and the installation doesn't look very smooth. I'm certain that ~10 years ago Android phones just worked. when?

Today I cut open a red bell pepper and I found a smol red bell pepper inside! I went outside and buried it in the dirt, then when I went back inside to watch it grow from the window one of the neighborhood cats made a big poob right on top of it for good luck. Butt towards the window too.

I've been banned from's infinite craft game u.u

My current robots.txt file:

User-agent: anthropic-ai
User-agent: CCBot
User-agent: ChatGPT-User
User-agent: FacebookBot
User-agent: Google-Extended
User-agent: GPTBot
User-agent: Omgilibot
User-agent: QQDownload
Disallow: /

Many of the ills of today’s internet have a single thing in common: they are built on a system of corporate surveillance. This Data Privacy & Protection Day, we're calling for a ban on the targeting of ads based on our online behavior.

I tried the addon for the last ~30 days and while I really love the concept, it caused a bunches of problems for me: high memory usage, slower page load, breaking web pages, certain ads still showing, etc. I did love seeing the $$$ count go up, and the big mosaic of animated adult ads was fun. Had to switch back to

Sillyfox McBlep would like you to know that laughter is best enjoyed together.

Send this foxie along to your friends to give them a smile!

#Fox #Foxy #FoxyFluff #Vulpine #Canine #Cute #Silly #Animals #Nature

xenia and tux

decided to draw that funny lil linux fox again, and she's got a friend (in plush form)

#art #furry
#xenia #tux #linux

Yays, I found a spoon and did a thingy! I finally set up an XMPP server. You may now make animal noises towards and they'll be picked up by my sound triangles.

You might not get any yaps back, one thing at a time for foxxo >.>

Oh and I still have to respond to IBR, and configure STUN/TURN, and write down how i did it so other floofs (including myself) know how to do it in the future... reeeeeeee

Hewwo everyfloof~ it's 2024 now!

Have a cute orange floof to celebrate the new year :3

Β© Falvie 2023 - on e926

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Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.