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My attribution script broke, but that's okie because these two floofs don't need any help getting some nice cuddles :3

Art not created by me, but definitely enjoyed by me!

by crownedvictory, char callumHusky

🎨 by Fleurfurr

Lick ("like") it on e621/e926
Lick ("like") Fleurfurr on Birdsite

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

Huffman encoding proved to be too much for this little foxxo brain to handle today. I wishes I had a bigbrain floof to help me out >.<

Hewwos ~

If any of you super goodful floofs are super duper bored and feel like playing a modded game of Risk of Rain today, and are okay playing with a derpy foxxo, feel free to hit me up on steam :3

Cute fuzzy pic :3

love, take us home
🎨 by Angiewolf

Lick ("like") it on FA or e621/e926
Lick ("like") Angiewolf on: Weasyl, FA, Birdsite

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

This is my new avatar on :3

Please review any and all contractual agreements when using NeosVR, or any other software that isn't free; or, alternatively, sign all contracts with "newphone whodis?" and re-affirm your committent to being a [cute furry] criminal pirate hacker mastermind. Stay safe. Y'arrrr!

Cobra friend always helps me figure out what my compooter's ip addresses are :3

ip -co -br a

🎨 by Color fox, © 2020

Lick ("like") it on e621/e926
Lick ("like") Color fox on Birdsite or Birdsite

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

Fox Spring
🎨 by Elkir, © 2021

Lick ("like") it on e621/e926
Lick ("like") Elkir on FA or Birdsite

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

Pen nibbler
🎨 by Reign-2004, © 2020
Character: Maxwell

Lick ("like") it on FA or e621/e926
Lick ("like") Reign-2004 on FA or Birdsite

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

Good morning everyone!
Good morning new Risk of Rain 2!

Risk of Rain 2 is a fun game that I play sometimes that can be played solo or with up to 4 or 16 friendos, and you shoot monster npc friendos and you become shrooms and things explode.

My Steam Fren Code: 29550090

A warm embrace on a chilly night
🎨 by Yana-r
Characters: Feroxdoon & Xander

Lick ("like") it on FA or e621/e926
Lick ("like") Yana-r on FA

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

Hug Coupon
🎨 by Tackykat
Characters: Ych & Derek

Lick ("like") it on FA, e621/e926, or reddit
Lick ("like") Tackykat on FA

P.S. I'm not a bot, promise! I'm a computer-aided foxxo. Kinda like a cyborg I guess.

Factorio players:
If you've ever wanted to use the mouse pointer to move your little engineer person around, now you can with 99% less coding required (with this mod).

I believe in you and your body @fluffy . I wish you the best of health :3

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Update: I'm alive again yay!

Weird how my side effects lasted pretty much exactly 8.5 hours and corresponded precisely with work hours :v

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Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.