Casual and irregular reminder that Mozilla died years ago and is now a virus infested, undead, corpo husk.

What was once the soul of "Firefox" is now found at Floorp. has

  • JPEG(-XL)
  • PWAs
  • Better default privacy
  • Even more privacy options
  • Vertical tabs
  • Tab Tiling
  • Workspaces
  • Profile switching
  • Tab sleep
  • Doesn't have "CEO" virus
  • Not homophobic or sexist
  • No spyware

@foxxy What do you mean that Firefox’s soul is in Floorp?

Same staff, contributors?


@Genstar Sorry, that was honestly a bit of exaggeration. But I had witnessed all of the innovation that Firefox had done years prior - they invented tabbed web browsers! Having used Floorp for over a month now, I'm feeling a lot of that same innovative spirit. I'm fairly certain that the staff is entirely different, I'm not certain about any of the contributors.

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