Today I found out @davidrevoy has his comics on DriveThruComics. So of course I grabbed copies for myself! 💯

@doxxy Thank you! The books were done with a 100% Free/Libre workflow that was very challenging. You can read/browse about the full process here:

@davidrevoy Wait! That means we can translate Pepper & Carrot into a regional language and publish it ? 😲

@Poslovitch Yes, right now only @der_On made it : , the script to build the book is one year old. I should test it because artworks changed a bit on the website (for the artbook; the art in the high resolution for the artbook are directly downloaded with wget from the website).

@davidrevoy @der_On Damn! I need to get started then! That’s really a great thing all of that is under a free licence. No need for those lengthy discussion with the copyright owners…

@Poslovitch @der_On I'm just curious, it would be for Esperanto? Because if it is the case, please annunce it on the Esperanto forum ( they use the Issue system here: ) , many will be happy to help or just advice in your quest.

The book publishing project sources are here:

@davidrevoy Hi. No, it’s not for Esperanto. I’m interested in doing that for some of France’s regional languages. I don’t know if it will ever be finished though. I’m already quite busy transcribing older dictionaries of said languages on Wikisource…

@Poslovitch Oh super 👍 Bon courage pour la traduction dans Wikisource. Un dico? ça à l'air titanesque comme boulot.

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