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"good"-ish personal news:
Bio-dog required medical treatment. Went shopping around. May quotes were $500+, one was $800+. With waiting. Found a place that quoted $138 for the procedure and can be seen next day. Went there, people seemed cool. Dropped dog off. Came back later to pick dog up. Doctor(s) did procedure, anesthetics, gave vitamins, trimmed nails, gave us additional week worth of medicine, and tax, all for $141. Days later, dog is still alive (yay), happy, and healthy. Amazing.


The correct price to pay to play what is now called "Minecraft" is $0.00.

All but one of the ~12+ little fopses that run around where my brain should be are telling me I should be a responsible big floofty and prepare actual, good, yummyful fuds for tonight (and leftovers for tomorrow).
Then there's that one fomps in the corner by the 3rd network rack that's as sploot as a soufflΓ© pancake, lazily lifting one of it's pawbs, "pi...piizzzaaaa" it says wearily, before dozing off again as if yapping a single word was its achievement for the day.

I've been calling USB-C the Computer Omni-Hole instead.

Thanks fedi person/folx.

dont stop yourself from creating just because you think youre bad at it. creating came free with being alive! like bees make honey and birds sing, this is how we play!

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I'm loving the GUI disk partitioner/provisioner built into 's installer.

Thank you contributors!


Fox fact: A fox will get fluffier the more it loves you. This is true! ​:neofox_thumbsup:​

dog food bag: "new easy open pull tab!"
me: *pulls the tab*
*just the tab comes off, with the supposed pull string remaining flush with the bag exterior*
I suppose we're eating treats from now on!

1password is malware. is spreading fake news and slander. Report.

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Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.