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Video game "Mod Managers" are BAD and hard to use! None of them support "drag and drop". No, they don't! They're just moving files / folders around, but with extra steps, more bugs, viruses, and usually just don't work.

To video game devs / hackers / mod loader devs: Just use files! Drag and drop. Done! Works everywhere all the time. No software needed.

Nintendo makes video games and communities awful. A strictly negative influence on the planet and all sapient kind.


To all the furries and flooftys (and scalies, featheries, pooltoys, otherkin, ferals, plushies, &c...)* with websites:
Your websites are amazing and beautiful and I love them all. Keep up the amazing passion! (or don't - up to you!)

* = any folx other than techbros or fascists.

When there's too many universes in the multiverse and the garbage collector daemon comes around to merge some lower tier universes to make room…

Berenstein → Berenstain

Lots of other browsers are neato too, such as Zen and LibreWolf.

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Casual and irregular reminder that Mozilla died years ago and is now a virus infested, undead, corpo husk.

What was once the soul of "Firefox" is now found at Floorp. has

  • JPEG(-XL)
  • PWAs
  • Better default privacy
  • Even more privacy options
  • Vertical tabs
  • Tab Tiling
  • Workspaces
  • Profile switching
  • Tab sleep
  • Doesn't have "CEO" virus
  • Not homophobic or sexist
  • No spyware

re: cw meta, politics, Minecraft 

One's options are:

  • Preemptively ask others to cw
  • Reply to the post asking to cw or hashtag
  • Speak more loudly about how the correct price for Minecraft is $0 → this will lead to infinite noise when both sides talk over each other.
  • Block the user → wrong because now only the blocker knows about the issue, and now both parties can no longer participate in mutual aid, organize, educate, share critical information, or protect each other. Silence is death.
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cw meta, politics, Minecraft 

Sincerely, please lease remember to cw or invent a hashtag for complaining that your Minecraft was stolen (or whatever).

Warning: I will not be blocking you.

I don't care that language "evolves" over time... I do not ever want to be in a situation where I've planned to play "Minecraft" with someone but then I show up and it turns out that by "Minecraft" they actually mean "give money and/or stan for some fascist that supports shooting children" or something. Thanks.

The duality of wanting to petpet the floofy foxxos, but also wanting to be pet yourself...
Just need either portal / cloning / time travel technology, or more floofy friends. Then we can all form a petting circle.

re: politics, crowdstrike 

Some IT staff report having their servers locked out by , likely related to the attack.

(Yes, it is very important to always encrypt your device's data, but please make sure you have management policies in place to store your backup keys. But everything said above is still true.)

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politics, crowdstrike 

Today, Friday 2024-07-19, an evil hacker group that goes by the name attacked and brought down various critical world-wide infrastructure - including major airlines, financial institutions, telecom, and healthcare; potentially causing multiple fatalities.

Yes I'm aware that some people disagree with the policy of "using the same words" or "being equal". If you have a better idea that will help improve cybersecurity, please let me know.

Anyways, there are still people in this world. Thank you veterinarians.

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Even though I'm much more privileged than many others, I'm still accustomed to driving into a place (can't walk in, the people door is closed or something), looking at a sign that says "X Service: $19.95", going up to the register to pay $40, and then being told that I must pay $60 or they will steal my Y and/or shoot and/or kidnap me. Then coming home and finding out that while I might have received X, they either broke my Z so I'll have to get it serviced next or they installed a virus.

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Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.