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Photo of a 🐢 

I love how Snow pokes her head out from under the covers when she sleeps in bed with me.

Since I'm dumb and don't know how to take screenshots from the YaST installer I just used my bad phone. :x

Text is tiiiiny! <3

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Went on a short walk and tried taking pictures with manual everything. Well... I took at least one okay picture! πŸ“· ☁️

Since I keep forgetting to I'll post my submission to early this morning! Fursuit is by

I mean just look at this cutie. Looks so shy I wanna protect them.

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I wanna play with my metal canine friend. Just wanna throw the ball for them.

Well Fresno isn't doing marginally better this week. Still sucks though.

NFSW, Quadruped, Gay 

Eee, @GavUnimpressive just finished a piece for @foxxy and myself. So happy!!! πŸ’―

Vore Implications, Spongebob 

@Taris This seems to appropriate for! xD


Photo of US Army Helicopter 

After my walk I noticed this outside my office. So I had to run outside and take a picture.

Took more pictures on my afternoon walk. Managed to get this one and I'm pretty happy with it.

Got another piece from Soot Ashby of as a

Soot can be found at s00t@FA

Yes! I didn't lose my CAD file from when I was working last. <3

Desert's choices:

Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.