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Did I mention I don't like containers?

wakes up from the daily 10:00 outage Ugh... what did I miss?

paw stuff Ah ha. My bait has been taken! cups paws around snout since that's how corgis say good morning, right?

@otterface: I'm kind of interested in this as well. Took me reading this to wonder why nobody has developed software catered to single user instances since there seems to be quite a few.

@SpotTea: Hehe, neat! They're certainly partially why I've been looking for someone to do Koichi as a synth lately. There isn't really any synth otter art that I could find floating around cyberspace.

@SpotTea: Is that the synth stoat you drew before? :3

Desert awooed

I wonder if anyone on fedi likes and trading card games. I have some of the MLP TCG cards that I'd like to rehome.

Desert awooed

April 2023 sketch page for Tammy!

Sketch pages are a monthly art reward for Drizzled Donut members of my Patreon! 🍩

made in #krita

#MastoArt #ArtWithOpenSource

Desert awooed

Aaa. The last episode of was great! Loved the character designs!

Oh neat. I made it over 3,000 posts. :tada:

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Desert's choices:

Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.