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@Aetous Was fun bumping into you on Neos the other night!~ :3

I've found out how to clean the dust off of the filters on my PC case. I just wait till the dog is feeling hungry and then notice her licking the dust off. Dx

Oh, apparently the PSU in Lexxy's rig died while I was in the bath.

CC: @foxxy

So apparently Elementary OS 6 finally released and had an update. I better get to installing!

Desert awooed

New video: tips to fix your drawing and linearts on Krita
→ Ptb:
→ Ytb:
(Yay! I finished my video tutorial started wednesday afterall)
#krita #inking #drawing

Eww, another reason not to like Substance Painter I suppose. No baking support for AMD GPUs. (curious why they have a RX 6800 on the 'optimal' gpu list for the specs page then.)

It's so nice getting 120 fps in Beat Saber. It's like a different game. That and this shredded the blender benchmarks.

Today I found out @davidrevoy has his comics on DriveThruComics. So of course I grabbed copies for myself! 💯

Desert awooed

Do not buy NFT made with my art.
Do not make NFT with my Creative-Commons artworks.
If you respect my art, remember and apply this.

Here is my article about what just happened:

#NFT #NFTCommunity

As I sent this my phone reminded me that the tracking information updated. I swear it’s mocking me.

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So I decided to send an email about my order saying it hasn’t shipped when it was estimated to arrive today. Suddenly the tracking information updates and it went a day in the wrong direction and now it will arrive on Friday. If a package is traveling ground there is rarely a reason to go a state in the wrong direction.

Revisited an artist's gallery, of which I enjoy their work, and now I'm all huffy.

I’ve been checking in on my tracking number since yesterday and is giving me anxiety how it’s been a whole 24 hours and it’s still hasn’t moved.

I think it’s finally time for some food.

This system is a mix of critters who want to get up and those who want to stay in bed.

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Desert's choices:

Critter Camp - Mastodon

This server is part of a collection of services that are mostly federated and run by a couple of furries.